Thursday, January 29, 2009

“This is the way we take our bath” Story of Progress!

For as far back as I can remember I’ve tried to always sing the bath song while I give the boys their baths. I changed the original lyrics from “early in the morning” to “before we go to bed” because bath time is always before bedtime. Last night while giving Matthew his bath, I was singing the song and I noticed Matthew was saying something while I sang “before we go to bed.” So the next time around the song, I quieted my portion of the song to hear what he was saying. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was singing “early in the morning!” I was ecstatic! So immediately, I sang again and used his version. We sang the song over and over and over again! I loved hearing him sing. It is just beautiful. Oh, how my heart is overfilled with joy and love for my little sunshine.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Morning of a Day in the Life of a Parent of an Autistic Child a Child with Autism

A Morning of a Day in the Life of a Parent of an Autistic Child a Child with Autism

The first thing you ask yourself is how is he going to react? Is he going to want to get out of bed and is he going to want to let you get him dressed?

Then you put on a brave face and just do it. “Wake up, sunshine!” and we wait to see his reaction. Is it pleasant or angry? This morning, it is pleasant. So far so good. We get him up and move to the living room where we watch a little TV before getting dressed.

Now its time to change clothes. He doesn’t want to take his attention off of the program. Not good. He starts fighting and pushing me away as I try to change his diaper. Okay-I’ll try another angle. This time, he kicks me. I try reasoning with him but he doesn’t respond. He continues to fight me. I have the diaper on, now for the socks. I grab a foot as it kicks at me and quickly put the sock on. I grab the other foot and do the same. Okay, now for the pants-it is very difficult for this squirming defiant character. Finally both legs are in the pants and I struggle to stand him up to pull them all the way up. There. He snatches his little body from my arms and throws himself backwards and cries. As he is thrashing around I manage to get his PJ top over his head and then struggle again to put on his top and sweatshirt. Okay. Now its time for the shoes. I grab a kicking leg and manage to hold his foot still long enough for me to fasten the Velcro and attempt to grab the other foot. He is constantly kicking. There. Okay time for me to grab my shoes. “No, Matthew. Leave your shoes on!” Back over to put his shoes back on.

Now, we are ready to walk out the door. With Matthew in my arms, crying and arching his back to try to pull away, I manage to get him to the car. With fists flying and foot kicking, I eventually get him buckled in!

With both boys safely in the car seats, we’re off to daycare-with Matthew screaming all the way.