Thursday, April 2, 2009

Matthew's Progress

I am completely astonished out how much Matthew has progressed. He is counting to 12 by himself, singing songs and correctly identifying colors. He is beginning to learn to share with Austin but the two still fight like cats and dogs. His speech therapist is working with him on his "P's", "G's" and "K's". These are the letters that he has the most trouble with. He is following two-to-three directional instructions. He continues to make progress in his holding eye contact during activities and interaction. He hasn't had a meltdown in forever! He seems to be more accepting for physical contact which I love because I just love to hold and kiss him! He does still have some bad mornings but they are never as bad as they used to be. He is a "home-body" and as much as he loves his school, he just doesn't want to leave the house on some mornings.

Our next adventure, Potty Training.

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